Alan’s Webs

Looking for help to build your web site? Need a little help getting started? can help. For a small fee, Alan will build your web site and train you to maintain it.

Some of the sites that Alan has built:

Alan completely re-designed his Microsoft Excel web site in the Summer of 2002. It is built from a series of text files and a spreadsheet. The primary color features are provided by a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) that designates the look and feel of each cell.

Macros in the spreadsheet pick up data in a variety of cells and place it where needed in a custom HTML file.

xlweb.jpg (26591 bytes)
Last year, a client asked me to build him a website. After registering the domain name and putting up a construction page with the business address and map, he called me and said, “leave it is, I’m getting so much business from people finding the page that I cannot handle it all.

We stopped work and never went back to it. I got paid


Bears and Quilts

Client took pictures of quilts

Missouri Postal History Society web site. This is a site where we are posting information about the 6,000 post offices that have ever existed in the state of Missouri.

The underlying data site is rapidly being convert to AzureSQL to replace the 3,200 static pages that were created with Excel macros (in 90 seconds)

MoPoHisSoc logo

Saint Louis Philatelic Organizations

All of the websites for various Philatelic organizations in St. Louis are resident on my domains including but not limited to:
The personal web site of Alan Barasch. Alan also created and maintains all the web sites under

That is Alan's actual handwriting!

Planning to convert the entire site to ASP.NET 3.0 sometime in 2007.

Alan Barasch